Do I need insurance cover?

“Do I really need this insurance?” It’s probably a question you’ve asked at some point when deciding whether to part with your money. But maybe the real question should be “What if I became ill, how would we cope?”

Your health and wellbeing is the most important asset you have, so it pays to put in the hard yards and get your head around the tricky topic of insurance. Illness or injury can strike at any age or life stage, and it certainly doesn’t wait for the most convenient time to happen. Having peace of mind about having enough money if things take a nosedive could be your best investment yet, as well as helping you sleep at night.

When insurance is a good idea

Often insurance can come on your radar off the back of someone you know falling really ill, or when you read something scary in your news feed. These events can make you stop and think but you don’t need to wait for a warning signal. In fact, getting on the front foot ahead of major life changes is often the best reason to get your insurance sorted.

Here are some scenarios to have a think about:

  • Landing your dream job – no job is completely secure and if you’re about to ramp up your income your lifestyle is probably going to upgrade too. If one day you lost your income, how long would you be able to pay the bills?
  • Switching to an income that’s up and down – while the gig economy or a well-paying contract has its lifestyle benefits, there is a trade-off. You don’t benefit from things like sick leave or annual leave and if your income takes a sudden downturn, you might be left struggling for cash.
  • Starting a family – when you settle down with a partner or have kids, It’s not just about you anymore. You’re going to have someone who truly depends on you and what happens to you will have a big knock on effect on them. Starting a family might also mean taking on a bigger mortgage.
  • Getting your head around the important lingo – insurance jargon is one thing you’ll need to make peace with as you navigate your options. If you’ve looked at the insurance section of your super statement, you may notice ‘Death’ insurance – but did you know it may also cover you for a terminal illness diagnosis? And what on earth is TPD? How do you know what constitutes Total and Permanent Disability? Don’t worry, we’ve got all the details below.

Insurance is about removing the stress of not having enough money if you become unwell. What works for you might not work for someone else. To find out more, get in touch with us.


Source: IOOF (

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